The Day That Azam Kicked Me

“One of the things I’m grateful for is children who challenged me when I was wrong, even though they had to suffer my wrath.” – My Father

On a Monday afternoon, roughly three years ago, a group of my friends and I drove over to Walker Bros. Pancake House (Hello, Apple Pancake!). As we settled in, Azam sat across from me as our waitress handed us menus. A few minutes in to some pleasant conversation, one of our mutual friends began to tell a story. I wasn’t listening, and continued to laugh, and comment while he was speaking. To be quite honest, I was being downright obnoxious. And I knew it. That’s when I felt a gentle kick to my leg.

It was Azam. He didn’t make eye contact.

Good aim, Azam. :)

Throughout my life my actions have been criticized countless times. When people, myself included, offer this criticism, they can become negative. This often leads to conflict. There are definitely times in my life when a critique of my behavior has escalated into a full blown argument. Then there are people like Azam, who are humble. They are intelligent enough to know that you have an intellect of your own, and with a gentle reminder you will realize your own mistakes. No words, no grimace, no pomposity. Just a tap.

While I like the friends who praise my efforts (everyone loves a pat on the back), I love the friends who give me a swift kick in the rear when I need it. Whether it be because I am being arrogant, obnoxious, or just not realizing my potential, I truly value the people who are willing to kick me despite the possibility of conflict. Sure enough, as soon as I felt that tap on my leg, my conscience jumped in. Guilty as charged. I dismissed this other human being by speaking or laughing over him.

I shut my trap and continued a relative silence, thinking about what had just happened. Funny how as soon as you start writing, neurons start firing, and memories are jostled from the recesses of your brain.

Like the time when a stranger gave me a more stern reminder. As a boy, I would hang out with my cousins near their apartment complex. One night we saw some birds perched on the roof of a building, and for whatever reason we decided it would be a great idea to startle the sleeping birds with a rock or two. So, I picked up a rock.

“If you throw a rock at that bird, I’ll break you arm.”[insert boyish squeaking sound here]

I froze, dropped the rock, and walked away very, very slowly. Despite having no idea where the voice had come from, I could tell the man was dead serious— with good reason.Thank you for kicking me, guys.

*That picture was taken in October of 20002 in an Egyptian desert, when Azam and I were young and skinny. Hahaha

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